
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Call it the "Baghdad Spring"

Il solito, eccezionale, editoriale domenicale di Thomas Friedman sul New York Times: buone e cattive notizie ancora una volta dal Medio Oriente.
«The good news is that what you are witnessing in the Arab world is the fall of its Berlin Wall. The old autocratic order is starting to crumble. The bad news is that unlike the Berlin Wall in central Europe, the one in the Arab world is going to fall one bloody brick at a time, and, unfortunately, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa and the Solidarity trade union are not waiting to jump into our arms on the other side».
Qualcosa si sta davvero muovendo sulle provebiali "Arab street", anche se non sembra esserci aria di rivoluzioni di velluto.
«Yes, the Iraq invasion probably brought more anti-American terrorists to the surface. But it also certainly brought more pro-democracy advocates to the surface.
The old order in this part of the world will not go quietly into this good night. You put a flower in the barrel of their gun and they'll blow your hand and your head right off». Da leggere assolutamente

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