
Monday, January 03, 2005

Un führer per tutte le Russie

Le affinità tra la Repubblica di Weimar che schiuse le porte al nazismo e l'attuale Russia di Putin vengono tracciate con precisione in questo articolo di Niall Ferguson per il Daily Telegraph: «Look back at Weimar – and start to worry about Russia».
«He (Putin, n.d.r.) is fast becoming as big a threat to Western security as he is to Russian democracy».
Dopo l'importante step della democrazia in Ucraina, inizia la battaglia per la Bielorussia, come l'ha definita Jackson Diehl sul Washington Post, che conclude così la sua analisi:
«Lukashenko clearly has absorbed Ukraine's lesson; so has Zubr. How about President Bush? In October he signed the Belarus Democracy Act, which mandated tighter sanctions against the Lukashenko regime and stepped-up support for the democratic opposition. Congress passed the act by unanimous vote. Yet if he acts forcefully on that mandate, Bush will risk the fury of his "friend" Putin, who considers Belarus his last foreign line of defense. Two months ago, the White House could dismiss the dilemma on the grounds that a Belarusan democratic uprising was anyway implausible. The orange revolution casts that judgment in a different light».

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